Sunday, February 14, 2010

Buy Barska Is Barska SWAT 10-40x50 Riflescope 1/8 Or 1/4 MOA ?

Is Barska SWAT 10-40x50 riflescope 1/8 or 1/4 MOA ? - buy barska

I just saw in the manual (which is less manual says, I've seen in Rifle esp. For beginners, this kind of steping rifle), just 1 click = 1 / 8 inch at 50 yards and 1 / 4 inches 100 Yds.So if I my gun at 100 meters then zero, you should take the reference of 1 / 4 MOA want? If so, why have these particular catagorize as Riflescope Riflescope 1 / 8 MOA? And if I buy a card accuscope zeroing I ask which card should be at zero MOA at 100 meters?


akluis said...

1 click = 1 / 4 MOA

4 clicks = 1 MOA

1 MOA is a constant on the angle of a triangle, with the shooter at the point of which is a point of 1 arc minute (1/60th degree) and two basic points. What is the width of the base depends on the length of the arm.

At 50 meters 1 MOA = 0.5 inches for the base is half an inch wide.
100 meters 1 MOA = 1 inch (1.04 good, but close enough)
200 meters 1 MOA = 2 inches
300 meters 1 MOA = 3 "
600 meters 1 MOA = 6 inches
A 845 meters 1 MOA = 8.45 cm

Is there a trend?

one click is the projector quarter of that distance. No need to Refrence Card. Click on the scale will always move 1 / 4 MOA, but Ifyou counter 100, each click moves It, 25 inches.

The weapon is a Memorandum of Agreement 1 / 4, regardless of distance. These cards are for someone who does not understand MOA.

Everything you need to remember is, 1 = 1 inch MOA at 100 meters.
So 1 MOA at 420 meters = 4.2 cm. You simply point two places, and change customs yards.

4 clicks = 1 MOA, so if you want to move, unless it is easy to see that 2 clicks 420-meter focus to 2.1 inches.

cody l said...

MOA in this area is 1 / 4 "at 100 yds thats standard

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