Monday, January 4, 2010

Southern Truck Parts Why Do People Think Hezbollah Is Seperate From 'Lebanon?'?

Why do people think Hezbollah is seperate from 'Lebanon?'? - southern truck parts

Hezbollah holds 14 seats in the Lebanese Council (enough to make a decision, the rest of the occupied seats) veto, 3 ministers (to simulate our Secretaries of State, Defense, etc.), and 5 governors. Hezbollah is about. 60% of the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon, effectively rules the border with Israel. Europe and buy weapons with the money that the governments of Lebanon and was flown to the base of the Lebanese air force, the wrapping or by sea or by truck from Syria.


uncle osbert said...

independent, Israel blew up the airport, where tourists are. that is my worry, the airport is almost the opposite of a military target, as many civilians there is a risk of death and people from countries not at war.

Lebanon has a thriving tourism industry, it is amazing that he can not convince those who were killed in the Beirut airport terrorist. That looks like what Osama said all the infidels in the WTC.

Israel holds all the cards, so we had no understanding. Hezbollah does not seem so competent, so I'm not so worried about their activities.

Calee said...

Last night, I saw Anderson Cooper on CNN and Brit Hume
(I think his name wrong) on FOX.
Both stories sounded like Hezbollah terroist program.

I wanted this future, all this super fantastic great
Technology, but it does not seem to be the case.
If disappointing - we will never be a cure for cancer or to find
Flight Bags, when people write to kill each other.

What is wrong with our planet? "It makes me cry.

mo mosh said...

As can be seen in the "Palestinian Authority" to see how the game should "name" will be made.

The Palestinian Authority has 500 different terrorist groups, so that if there is an attack against the Jews in Israel, you can always say, "Oh, they do not."

... How stupid do they think of us?

The nature of the killing of Munich, was organized by "Black September". He comes from Arafat's Fatah and Abu Mazen. But since it came under a new name ... Oh, they're not responsible. "We have never heard of 'em" is one

Remember that this is a culture of sail.

Anonymous said...

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization ... Hamas is also, both are supported by Iran and Syria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Rocketma... said...

Hezbollah is the same as the Redpublican the United States, the militant faction that currently the majority of the government.

Where people their information "Israel get blown up the airport"

It is from Bologna, who bombed the runway for planes could not land or take off. Those who work to protect innocent civilians. Thou shalt not kill tourists

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