Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Different Types Of Church Services What Are The Difference Between The Different Types Of Churches? ( Methodist, Lutheran, Protestant, Etc).?

What are the difference between the different types of Churches? ( Methodist, Lutheran, Protestant, etc).? - different types of church services

I have 3 children (ages 10, 4, 2) and I'm happy for a church, but I'm so confused, the church would be good for us. I've only been to church a few times ... I do not know.

Please describe any church as much as possible .. all the information you can give is welcome. Also, my children have never been baptized, or communion. What is the difference between them and all the churches have baptisms and communions? How do I get my kids included?


†Army Ranger† said...

There are many differences that can reverse a life, and still does not know or even understand them all.

Personally, I'm Catholic and we hope to examine the church. We affirm that Jesus began when he became Pope Saint Peter the first installment of 2000 years. We are the largest church in the world, with between 1.1-1.2 million people, and also more diverse. There are a lot of history, beauty and truth. We are open to everyone. I encourage you to visit a church in your area and enter the discussion with a priest or a director of education, the Church has a class that can learn more than one year are more about faith. In addition, the Catholic Church has some of the best private schools in the world.

May God bless you with love in Christ

Kevin S said...

Let me use a soft, not one who preaches fire and brimstone to start. Denom not often that this.

clusium1... said...

Christianity is divided into 3 main faiths.

Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox.

Catholics and Orthodox are older, because it is the apostolic succession.

The Protestant churches 15'Th century, Lutheran, which was founded by Martin Luther.

Catholics and Orthodox emphasize the authority of the church, then the authority of the Bible.

Protestant emphasis on biblical authority, the authority of the churches.

Paddy said...

For ex. Assembly of God pastor can answer your question and your mind to rest.
All these churches are more than basic human mention these facts, the doctrine of divine providence and election, God absolutely hates, because it prevents people born again. Most of them have a fundamental belief statement that something is, the death of Jesus on the cross is the atonement for our sins in full. The majority rejects the righteousness of God or his baptism. For this reason, the people were to be prevented from re-born and remain there as a sinner.
They differ from church to church, baptism and communion.
Before I go where I want some books about the original gospel of the water and the Spirit (John 3:5) to read.
If you send this link and Free Christian books.

Lupuswoman, Defender of Justice! said...

Methodists, Lutherans are the Protestant churches. The main part of the United States is between Catholics and Protestants. (There are also Greek-Orthodox). The Catholics have many rituals, no infant baptism, communion in the week, and so on. Follow the example of the Pope, while the Protestant rate do in their own names. Protestants are very different in their ideas. For example, some children's baptism, many do not. I believe that almost all the Lord's Supper only once a month. Some churches do not like as part of a name and are therefore a kind of independence. There are so many differences, I'll include some links, rather than try to explain.
http://protestant.christianityinview.com ...
http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_cf ...
http://www.religionfacts.com/christianit ...
http://www.religiousworlds.com/xprotest. ...

I feel many different churches and just stick with which you feel well, instead of worrying about names. If the people are friendly and the pastor / priestis well spoken and nice person, I would, regardless of their religion. Good luck!

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